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    人教版高中英语必修5 - 3.Life in the future

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免费下载Unit3.Life in the future 高考复习教研课PPT教学课件

免费下载Unit3.Life in the future 高考复习教研课PPT教学课件免费下载Unit3.Life in the future 高考复习教研课PPT教学课件免费下载Unit3.Life in the future 高考复习教研课PPT教学课件免费下载Unit3.Life in the future 高考复习教研课PPT教学课件
Unit 3 Life in the future
Part A.模仿朗读
Part B.角色扮演
答案:1.Q:Why could you take a time travel journey?
A:Because I had won a prize that gave me a time tour.
2.Q:How did you get to the year AD 3008?
答案:A:I got to the year AD 3008 by a time capsule.
3.Q:How long did it take you to get to the year AD 3008?
A:A few minutes.
4.Q:What did you notice first when you arrived in AD 3008?
A:At first I found my surroundings difficult to tolerate. The air seemed thin,as if its combination of gases had little oxygen left.
5.Q:What else did you find that was different?
A:I arrived at a strange-looking house,in which there was a green wall made of trees providing the room with oxygen,chairs rose from under the floor and some other things I have never seen in the year AD 2008.
Part C.故事复述
提示词:prize,time tour,time capsule,a strange-looking house
答案: Li Qiang had won a prize that gave him a time tour,so he got to the year AD 3008 by a time capsule. At first he found the surroundings difficult to tolerate because the air seemed thin as if its combination of gases had little oxygen left. After putting on a mask,he felt much better. Then he came to a strange-looking house where there was a green wall made of trees providing the room with oxygen,chairs rose from under the floor and some other things he had never seen in the year AD 2008.
2.药片 n.______________
4.调整, 调节n. ______________
5.瞬间,片刻;立即的,立刻的n. & adj.______________
6.太空舱 n.______________
7.开关;转换 n.& vt.______________
8.效率;功效 n.______________
9.巨大的, 庞大的 adj.______________
10.面具,面罩,伪装 n.______________
12.安全带 n.______________
答案:1.aspect 2.tablet 3.surroundings
4.adjustment 5.instant 6.capsule
7.switch 8.efficiency 9.enormous 
10.mask 11.tolerate 12.safety belt
8.生态,生态学n.________;生态学家 n.________
9.激励,激发,作为……的动机 v.______;动机 n._____
3.surrounding;surround 4.constant;constantly
7.steward;stewardess 8.ecology;ecologist
◆ 活学活用
1.The famous ________ insisted that something must be done to protect the ________.(ecology)
2.I was unable to attend the party because of a_______ engagement. (previously)
3.It's time you_________ your differences with your father. (settlement)
4.The lake is_________ with trees and so its___________ area looks beautiful. And I'd like to bring up my children in such healthy_______ .(surround)
5.She has the determination that her brother_________ .(lack)
6.Recently the weather has been_______ changing and I have been affected by it. (constant)
答案:1.ecologist;ecology 2.previous 3.settled 4.surrounded;surrounding;surroundings 5.lacks 6.constantly
3.(困境后)恢复, 完全复原______________
答案:1.remind sb. of sth. 2.take up 3.be back on one's feet 4.catch sight of 5.speed up 6.sweep up 7.assist in 8.in no time 9.in all directions 10.be lack of 11.be optimistic about 12.make adjustment to
◆ 活学活用
1.Can you try and_______ things_______ a bit or we'll miss the flight. (make sth. move or happen faster)
2.She_________ his offer of a drink (accept sth. that is offered).
3.She_________ a car in the distance and felt happy after two hours' long wait. (see sth./ sb. suddenly or see sth. for a moment).
4.We are looking for people who would be willing to__________________________________
the protection of the environment.( help sb. to do sth.)
5.You_________ me_________ your father when you said that. (make sb. remember or think about other persons,places or things)
答案:1.speed;up 2.took up 3.caught sight of 4.assist in 5.reminded;of
1.Why not sit down and rest?(P18)为什么不坐下休息一下呢?
⇨句型:Why not do...?为什么不……呢?
◆ 模仿造句
(1)Why not call for help?
(2)Why not inform me of it in advance?
2.No more typists working on a typewriter or computer.No more postage or postcodes! (P22)
再也不需要打字员在打字机或电脑上工作了, 再也不需要邮费和邮政编码了。
⇨句型: No more...No more...再也没有/不用……再也没有/不用……
◆ 模仿造句
(1)再也没有掌声, 再也没有鲜花。
(1)No more applauses. No more flowers.
(2)No more time to us! No more youth for us to cost!
根据课文First Impressions完成下列短文
Li Qiang couldn't believe that he had traveled to the year AD 3008__1__ a time capsule. Because this was his __2__ time trip,he was worried and __3__(settle)so that he suffered __4__ “time lag”.Besides,he was hit by the lack of fresh air. His guide,Wang Ping,who was very __5__(understand),gave him some green tablets and a mask,which helped him__6__the problems. However,Li Qiang experienced something new. He flew __7__the ground in a hovering
carriage.__8__(arrive)home,he was shown into a large bright,clean room with a wall of trees. After eating something,he fell __9__asleep in the bed that __10__(produce)from the floor.
答案:1.in 2.first 3.unsettled 4.from
5.understanding 6.overcome/solve
7.above 8.Arriving 9.fast/sound 10.was produced
His whole morning was taken up with the meeting and his head ached when it was finally over. Just at that time,the assistant came in and reminded him that it was time for him to meet the customer at the airport. Looking at his watch,he jumped to his feet and rushed out of his office into his car. Worried about making a poor impression on the customer,he speeded up his car on the way but got there some minutes late. Among all the people going in all directions,he caught sight of the customer who was waiting for him,lacking patience. He hurried to the man,thinking the coming holiday.
1.I have to remind myself constantly that I am really in AD 3008. (P17)我必须不断的……自己真的是在公元3008年。
◆ 词语归纳
remind v.提醒,回忆起,使想起
reminder n.提醒物;纪念品;暗示
remind sb. of sth.使某人想起某事
remind sb. to do sth.提醒某人做某事
remind that...提醒……
◆ 即学即练
The watch was passed down to me from my grandfather. It is a (1)_____ that (2)_____ me (3)____ the days when my grandfather used to be very important in the palace. It (4)_____ me that my grandfather was one of the persons who first owned a watch. But now we are living a hard time. However,the watch always (5)_____me (6)_____ work hard to change my poor situation.
答案: (1)reminder (2)reminds (3)of (4)reminds (5)reminds (6)to
2.This is similar to the “jet lag” you get from flying,but it seems you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period. (P17)这就与你乘飞机产生时差反应相似,所不同的是,在你的脑海里会不停地闪现以前的时光。
◆ 词语归纳
similar adj.相似的
similarity n.相似,相似性
be similar to 和…..在某方面相似
◆ 即学即练
(1)We have ____________(相似的阅历),but our personal results are quite different.
(2)Please discover the ______________(相似和不同之处)of American English and British English.
(3)They are in no way __________(相似) each other.
答案:(1)similar experiences
(2)differences and similarities (3)similar to
3.Well-known for their expertise,his parents' company,called “Future Tours”,transported me safely into the future in a time capsule. (P18)他父母的公司叫“未来之旅”,以其技术高超闻名。他们把我装在一个时间舱里,平安地把我送入了未来。
◆ 探究学习
You will be transported to the resort by coach. (v.把……运往……)
◆ 词语归纳
transport sth./ sb. to...把……运往……
public transport公共运输
air transport 空运
rail transport铁路运输
water transport水运
ocean transport海运
◆ 即学即练
(1)The ____________(货运)by air is very expensive.
(2)In the middle of last century planes began to be used ____________(运输) both passengers and goods.
(3)With the price of petrol increasing,some owners of private cars turn to ____________(公共交通).
答案:(1)transportation of goods (2)to transport (3)public transportation
4.Hit by a lack of fresh air,my head ached (P18)由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感到头痛。
◆ 探究学习
阅读下列句子,注意lack 的搭配及意思
They lacked the money to send him to university. (v.缺乏;缺少;不足)
The trees died for lack of water. (n.缺乏;不足)
He was brought up in a family which lacked of care and attention. (v.缺乏;缺少;不足)
◆ 词语归纳
lack v.缺乏
for lack of 因缺乏
have no lack of 不缺乏
lack for nothing 一无所缺
lack for 需要
(1)In fact,some people didn't succeed because they____________.(缺乏自信)
(2)They are so rich that they ______________.(什么都不缺)
(3)The world is suffering from ____________.(缺水缺粮食)
◆ 即学即练
答案:(1)lacked self-confidence (2)lack for nothing (3)the 1ack of water and food
5.However,I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market... (P18)
可是, 当我们到达一个看上去像是大市场的地方时,我看不见王平了。
◆ 词语归纳
sight n.视力,看见,风景
catch sight of瞥见,看到
lose sight of忽略,忘记
in sight在视线内
out of sight看不见了
set one's sight
