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    人教版高中英语必修5 - 3.Life in the future

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  • 时间:  2016-04

Unit3.Life in the future using language 课件ppt免费下载

Unit3.Life in the future using language 课件ppt免费下载Unit3.Life in the future using language 课件ppt免费下载Unit3.Life in the future using language 课件ppt免费下载
Unit 3
Life in the future
Using language (2)
Life in future
(WB, page 55)
Read the list of the household goods below. Then listen and tick those that were mentioned as the future products.
flying boots
flight mobiles
self-cleaning shirts
thinking quilt with a
constant temperature

Listen to part 1 and fill in the information about the first invention.
hover and
the ground
can go
swiftly in
cannot go
up and
Listen to part 2 and fill in the information about the first invention.
according to
when cold
when hot
must be
every time
you wash
the quilt
Reading task
Rising to a challenge
1. Do you think living under the sea is possible?
2. Where are you going to live under the sea?
3. In the undersea cities, what equipments do you think are necessary?
1. The under city is so comfortable that it is described as ______________.
2. The undersea city has the following advantages: a. _____________________________ b. __________________ c. _______________________ d. ____________________
a silk adventure
easy contact with the land surface
more personal space
complete personal security
no housework worries
Listen and fill in the blanks.
Easy contact with land
One personal or family shuttle-submarines
Always ready to take people to the surface, a special small, computerized machine to monitor each person during the trip.
More personal space
Get twice as much personal space as in flats on land, your house can float in the water.
Complete personal security
Computer sensor
Can feel the space left; only the robot cleaner will be able to move objects.
No housework worries
Family used robots
Feed your details into the computer hard-drive; answer your family’s commands.
Which four parts make up the upper part of the Saturation City?
A large classroom with all kinds of educational aids for children of school age; a huge sports stadium and a very big hall for entertainment.
Design a poster
Suppose a press conference and exhibition is going to be held to make the undersea city known among people. If you work in the company, can you design a special poster to draw visitors’ attention so that they will come to the press conference?
See the value of OUR undersea houses.
Saturation City has:
frequent shuttle-submarines
to the surface
large personal space
good security for each family
no household worries: own robot
Come to this meeting
2000 RMB each
17 / 8 / 3008
6:30 pm
Hall of the school
1. Among its many advantages we include: easy contact with the land surface, more personal space, complete personal security, and no housework worries.
Language points
contact n. 接触,联系; 联系人
We stay in contact with each other by telephone.
I’ve lost contact with most of my school friends.
Have the children been in contact with disease?
be / stay / get in contact with 与……保持联系 / 与……取得联系
make / lose contact with 与(某人)取得/失去联系
put sb. in contact with 使某人得以(与……)取得联系
keep in touch with 与……保持联系
get in touch with 与……取得联系
lose touch with 与……失去联系
be in/out of touch with与……保持/失去联系
2.They will be equipped with a special small, computerized machine.
vt. 装备, 配备
equip sb. with
be equipped with
be equipped to do
The boys equipped themselves with torches, rope and set off.
Is the room equipped with air conditioner?
They were not equipped to deal with the situation.
Our laboratory is well equipped.
If you were living in an undersea city, what kind of problems do you think you would have?
Listening task
(P. 59)
Listen to Part 1 and write down the two problems mentioned.
No noise from the air machines.
Steel gates to the city wouldn’t open.
Listen to Part 1 again and fill in the blanks.
Then I found that the ______ steel gates to the
_________ wouldn’t open. At first I wasn’t too
____________, as there is a ____________
system in case things go _______. When that
didn’t work _________, I realized that we had
two _________ problems.
no noise from
the air
replaced it
city doors
would not open
none as doors
opened when air
machines repaired
not working
Listen to Part 2 again and fill in the chart.
Speaking Task and Writing Task
The entertainment and sports for the people of Saturation City
What’s the purpose of building these parts?
These four parts provide the necessary “home space” for families on their regular leave so that no island is too crowded and everyone gets a break from underwater life.
1. Who has the right to go to the education part?
2. When will the education part be open to the people?
3. Where will the education part be built?
4. What kind of service will you be provided with?
5. What problem will you come across? How will you solve the problem?
Choose one of the programmes that
you are interested in.
Write down your ideas in a chart
like the one below.
Be ready to explain your ideas,
problems and how you would solve
Now write a report to the company
that built Saturation City and put
forward your ideas on
entertainment or sports.
How to write a report?
The writing style of report
The first paragraph
(why you write a report?)
Body (your own ideas on the item)
Conclusion (how you think it will help)
A sample version
The wonderful facilities in the sports stadium of No. 3 Floating Island, Saturation City, means that the company can offer a full programme of sports. There are coaches for all areas of sport so that everyone will be able to improve their health.
All sports are offered. There are opportunities to improve skills in running and all field events, high and long jump, swimming, and throwing events. There is also a fully equipped gym for exercise and gymnastics.
There are two kinds of coach: specialist ones to improve a particular skill to international level; general
ones to improve fitness and encourage healthy exercise. Both kinds of coach are available at all times for those who live in Saturation City. The fitness programme is intended to encourage personal improvement. The specialist programme is intended for competitions (which will be held once a month).
The winners in each event will have to enter the trials for the Olympic Games in AD 3008 which will take place in the Sahara Desert, North Africa.
We hope that you feel that these facilities and programmes will help raise your fitness level and specialist expertise. We hope you will come and try our sports centre for yourselves.
Review the whole unit.
Preview unit 4.