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    冀教版小学英语四年级上册 - Unit 2 Again,Please!

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  • 时间:  2017-10

Unit 2 Again,Please! 教学设计2

Unit 2 Again,please全课时教案

冀教版小学英语4A Unit 2 Again,please

知识方面:能在听说读写方面掌握和运用四个词组: do one’s homework/read a book/write a story/draw a picture/watch TV/talk on the telephone/play on the computer/listen to the radio/brush teeth/comb hair/wash face/wear clothes.

Do one’s homework\read a book\write a story\draw a picture.


Part 1: Greeting and review
1. Greeting
Hello, boys and girls! How are you today? How’s the weather?
2. Sing a song
唱He’s wearing read trousers. T: What did you hear in the song?
教师将歌曲中唱到trousers dress sweater coat shorts shoes cap分别贴到黑板上,复习上一单元的单词。

Part 2: Play a game (guess, guess, guess )
1. 游戏规则:教师准备一小纸盒,里面放一些纸条,内容为: read a book, do one’s homework, write a story, draw a picture。
2. 教师做读书状,要学生猜词组,引出read a book, do one’s homework, write a story, draw a picture强调“read”的读法与“red”的不同,与“meat, tea”读音的相同点。
3. Work in pairs: 两人一组作guess, guess, guess 游戏。
4. Play a game: 做“击鼓传花”的游戏,问学生:“What do you do in the evening?”花传到谁手里,就答:“In the evening, I __”
Drill: Say it and do the action.
Say it in pairs.
Listen to the tape and repeat. (第一遍,先让学生听;第二遍,跟读。并在此解释“for”的意思。)

Part 3: TV telephone computer radio
1. TV telephone computer radio
播放录音,让学生看书跟读。并与学生一起读TV telephone 同是指着教科书上的图画,还可以向学生提出诸如此类的问题:
Do you have a TV at home?
Do you like TV?
What else do you recognize in the photographs?
使用词汇卡片,操练TV telephone computer和radio
2. Watch TV, talk on the telephone, play on the computer, listen to the radio.
T: (指着自告奋勇的学生挑选的黑板上的图画)What’s this?
C: A 或It’s a __.
T: Good, He/she is doing (on the /to the) say it, please, class.
C: He/she’s doing (on the/to the).
T: Very good! (对自告奋勇的学生说)What are you doing?
S: I’m doing (on the /to the).
T: Very good! Do you like doing (on the/ to the)?
S: Yes, I like doing (on the/to the) .或No, I like doing (on the/ to the).

Part 4: Sing a song
bathroom bathroom 盥洗室,
你用brush梳头发 brush, brush 是刷子。
我用comb梳头发 comb, comb是梳子。
拿起toothbrush刷刷 toothbrush, toothbrush是牙刷。
牙刷 toothbrush刷 teeth, soap
然后洗脸用soap, soap是香皂,每天早晨都要用,它们妙处真不少,真不少。
(全班口头表扬,掌声鼓励: Good! very nice , Much better! Keep it up!)
教师拿实物做动作,让学生猜意思,引出"brush hair, brush teeth, comb hair, wash hands, wash face, take a shower, wear clothes.