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    冀教版小学英语四年级上册 - Unit 2 Again,Please!

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  • 时间:  2017-10

Unit 2 Again,Please! 教学设计1

Unit 2 Again,please全课时教案

冀教版小学英语4A Unit 2 Again,please

知识方面:能在听说读写方面掌握和运用四个词组: do one’s homework/read a book/write a story/draw a picture/watch TV/talk on the telephone/play on the computer/listen to the radio/brush teeth/comb hair/wash face/wear clothes.

Do one’s homework\read a book\write a story\draw a picture.


Part 1: Greeting and a free talk
Greeting and a free talk
复习上一单元所学的单词:shirt, skirt, trousers, sweater new, old, coat,scarf, shoes, socks.
T (指一名学生的衣服): What are you wearing?
S: I am wearing a shirt.
T: What color is it?
S: It’s blue.
T: Is it new?
S: Yes, it’s my birthday gift.

Part 2: book, story, picture, homework
do my homework
read a book
write a story
draw a picture for my story.
“In the evening, I do my homework, read a book, write a story, draw a picture for my story”老
T(指一名同学):“What do you do in the evening?”
S: I do my homework.
This is a way I wash my clothes, wash my clothes, wash my clothes. This is a way I wash my clothes, on a Sunday morning.

Part 3: TV phone computer radio
1. 老师与学生先用中文交流平常在家里都干些什么,然后老师教学生用英文说出自己在家所做的事
2. 教授新单词:TV phone computer
3. 教授词组:watch TV/talk on the phone/play on the computer
4. 对话练习句型:
T (指一名学生): What do you do at home?
S: I help my mum and dad.
T: And how about you, Lily?
S: I talk on the phone with my friends.
T: Any others?
S: I watch TV after dinner,
S: I play on the computer.

Part 4: Above below beside across from
Put “teddy” on the desk, put “teddy” in the desk, put “teddy” under the desk.
Ask students: where is “teddy”? to review “in, on, under”.
设计意图:通过复习“in, on, under”引出将要学习的新词汇“above, below, beside,across from”过渡自然,学生容易接受。
2. Put “teddy” on the desk, then put “teddy” above the desk, study above; put “teddy” under the desk, then put “teddy” below the desk, study below. Distinguish on and above, under and below.
3. Practice “in, on, under, above, below”.既简单又明了,又容易操作。
4. According to the location between one student and one student, or between one student and me, study beside, across from.
设计意图:通过学生与学生或学生与我之间的位置关系学习新词汇beside, across from,便于理解,已于掌握。
5. Practice “beside, across from” on their seat.
6. Ask four students to come the front, then let them stand in a square.
Lead the class to say sentence: … is beside/ across from …
7. Ask the students to show the picture (TV, teddy, computer, radio) that we prepared. Listen to me, place the location.