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首页>人教版初中英语八年级上册>Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?
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    人教版初中英语八年级上册 - Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?

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  • 时间:  2017-07

《Unit1 Where did you go on vacation》教学设计教案15

Where did you go on vacation
Section A(二)
1. Match the vocabulary:were rainy
Master and use:How was your vacation?how were the beaches?where did you go?
1. The vocabulary:were rainy fish
2. Language: Where did you go on vacation? I went to the mountains/ New York City /beach /summer camp…
How was your vacation?how were the beaches?
Use the language to talk about past events.


Step 1
Free talk

Ask the question:Where did you go last Sunday?
Students talk about events in the past.

Step 2
Point out the pictures in the photo album. Ask students to describe what they see.(In Picture 1 there is a man with a bowl of soup.There is also a waiter. He looks angry.)
Describe what they
see in picture 1 and
picture 2
Fill in the blanks in
the conversation

Step 3
(In picture 2 there is a beautiful beach.There is a man.He looks unhappy.)
Read the first two lines of the dialogue to the class.Point out the answer was in the first line. Then point out the blanks in the rest of the lines of the dialogue.Read the conversation to the class saying the word blank for each blank line: How blank the beaches?
Then say,Write the word was or were in each blank. Ask students to complete the activity on their own.
Point to picture 3 and ask students to say what they see.
Then read the words under the picture.Pronounce any new words and explain what they mean,if necessary Say:In this picture a girl is on a bus.The girl is taking a bus trip.Ask,What does relaxing mean?
Does it mean you are excited or quiet?
How do you look when you relax?
H students don’t know the meaning of relaxing, demonstrate by leaning back in your seat and half一closing your eyes.
Say a dialogue with a student.point to
practice and act.
Work with the teacher.
Work with a partner
and act out.
Read and learn.
Make their own conversation

the food picture. Ask,How was the food? Do a send example,if you wish.
Move around the room monitoring their work.Offer language or pronunciation support as needed.
Have two students perform the example conversation,or perform it yourself with one student(you ask the questions).
Point out that the conversations starts off with the sentences in the speech bubbles.
For example,
A:where did you go?
B: I went to…
A: What was the weather like?
B: It was hot and humid.
Practice in pairs.
The student replies,it was awful.
work in pairs
Look at picture6,
Practice the conversation below.
Ask and answer questions.

Step 4
Say:First fill in the chart with the information about your last vacation,Say where you went,what the weather was like, what you ate,and what else you did.As students fill in the chart move around the classroom, monitoring progress and offering help as necessary。
Something in the pictures.
Act it out
Fill in the chart with
Their own information
Then ask and answer


本节课学习了3个生词,和句式的练习运用。通过本节课的学习,学生能熟练地运用句型where did you go? I went … .

Section B(一)
1.Match the vocabulary:
delicious, awful expensive, inexpensive, crowded
2. Master and use:Where did Vera go on vacation?
Did Vera like the vacation?
How were the stores? They were very expensive.
1. The vocabulary:delicious, awful, expensive,inexpensive,crowded
2. language:Where did you \ they\ he\ she go on vacation?
I\They \ He\She went to Japan.
How were the museums/ people /stores? They were crowded expensive /friendly.
Important Use the language to talk about past events.
Language: Where did you go on vacation?及答语的学习,借助于课本及课件的图画来引出。


Step 1
Organize Ss by greeting each other.

Step 2
Presentation (1 a)
Ask:What do you think of this book?
Is it interesting?(通过对话弓l出本
课要学习的新形容词expensive 等)Point to the picture, This is a ring. The price is one hundred million
Answer the questions
Say:It’s expensive.

Step 3
1b writing
This activity introduces more key vocabularies.
Point out the six words delicious,awful,expensive,inexpensive, crowded
1.Say each word and ask students to repeat them,
2.Call attention to the fourth picture saying: This is a cake.
It’s delicious!Then do the same thing for all six pictures.
crowded delicious
3.Then point out the blank line in front of each numbered word.
4.Point out the sample answer. As students work,move around the room answering questions as needed.
1.f2.a3.d 4.e 5 6.c
This activity provides writing practice using the target language.
Simple draw:the smiley face and the frowny face.Say,the smiley face is for good things. The frowny face is for bad things.
Point out the sample answer. Say, The word delicious is under the smiley face because delicious is a happy word.
Ask students to finish the activity individually,
Repeat loudly
Practice in pairs then
act it out
Match each word
with a picture by writing the letter of each picture in the blank in front of the correct word.
Discuss in groups
(act the faces out)

1. delicious, inexpensive, crowded
2. awful, expensive, crowded City some examples to learn these adjectives.
This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

Step 4
1.Point out the two questions. After you hear the conversation, please answer these questions. Read the questions to the class.
2. Play the recording the first time.
Students only listen.
This time say, listen to the recording and write the answer to each question.
3. listen to the recording the second time.
correct the answers.
Cite some examples to learn these adjectives

1.She went to Tokyo.
2. Yes, she did.
Girl: Hi, Vera , How was your vacation?
Vera: It was great!
Girl: Where did you go?
Vera: I went to Tokyo with my family.
Girl]: Really? Wow!What did you do there?
Vera:Well, we went to a lot of museums.
Girl: Oh, how were they?
Vera: They were really interesting. But they were also very crowded. Did you meet any Japanese people?
Then answer.
Listen and write.
Then discuss the keys in pairs
Read and practice in pairs.

Vera: Yeah,the people were really friendly.My parents have some Japanese friends,and we had dinner at their house.
Girl:How was the food?
Vera:It was delicious.I love Japanese food.
This activity provides further
listening practice using the target language
Call attention to the chart. Read the words in the chart:
Her vacation, the museum the stores,the people,the food.
Point out the sample answer. Say,What does Vera think of her vacation? It was great.
Play the recording. Play the recording a second time.Ask students to finish filling in their answers and to check their answers.
Correct the answers.
people -- friendly
museums一interesting, crowded
food-- delicious
delicious relaxing
Read aloud.
then discuss the keys.
Listen and fill in the
chart.Then discuss
the keys.

Step 5
Pair work
(2c Task)
This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.
Call attention to the question words.
Have a student read them to the class .Ask Where did you go on vacation? Say,please work in pairs.As students talk,move around the room
offering pronunciation and language support as needed.
Read out.
(Role play)

Section B (二)
1. New words and expressions:flew kite later felt little corner discuss difficulty
The vocabulary: flew kite later felt little comer till fry question discuss difficulty
Language: 通过询问过去的事情引出日记。

Step 1
Organize Ss by greeting each other.

Step 2
Free talk
Ask the questions:
What day is it today?
What day was it yesterday?
Answer: It is Friday.It was Thursday.

Step 3
Section B 3a
1.Let the students read Kim’s travel diary and find the new words.
2.Teach the new words:
later, felt,little, corner
Explain the meaning and the usage of the new words.
Let the students write the new words.
3.Say,Now read the diary and circle
all the good things about Kim’s holiday.Underline all the bad things. Ask them to notice the description words that tell them whether something is“good”or “bad,” You may want to ask a student to tell you what the first“bad thing” was.
4.Check the answers.
Good things:
The weather(great)
Read Kim's travel diary and find out the new words.
Read the new words after then write them in the notebooks.
Read again and finish the activity individually.
Then discuss in pain:
Read aloud,Then read the diary,try to learn the key words by hearts.

The beach(beautiful)
Playing in the waves(fun)
Finding the little boy/returning him to his father(happy)
Playing tennis (really fun)
Eating fried fish and garlic vegetables (delicious)
Bad things:
Kim’s kite breaking(not much fun) Museum (boring and crowded)
No money for taxi/walking back to
5.The teacher tell the students the methods of writing the diary.

Step 4
Practice writing
(Section B 36)
Thus activity provides guided writing
practice using the target language.
1.Say,Now write a travel diary like the one in 3a.
2.Have the students do the activity individually. You may want to have them write on pieces of paper, since space in the textbook is limited. As they work,move around he classroom offering assistance as necessary.
Look at the pictures and write a diary.

3.Have several students read out their diaries to the class(You might want to make this activity more substantial, and set it as written homework to be collected and marked.)
4. Do a Survey
Ask students to interview friends and family membe
