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高中英语必修5 Unit5.First aid 优质课ppt课件免费下载

高中英语必修5 Unit5.First aid 优质课ppt课件免费下载高中英语必修5 Unit5.First aid 优质课ppt课件免费下载高中英语必修5 Unit5.First aid 优质课ppt课件免费下载高中英语必修5 Unit5.First aid 优质课ppt课件免费下载
Unit 5 First aid
教材内容 --- 语言知识
First aid for burns
Giving instructions
about first aid
Reading 1.5
Word Study 1.5
& writing 1-1.5
Grammar 1
教材内容 --- 课时安排
教材内容 --- 以话题为中心
First aid
Giving instructions about first aid
An experience of giving first aid
First aid for burns

First aid quiz

Giving instructions about first aid
教材内容 --- 语法贯穿各个课型
Giving instructions about first aid
An experience of giving first aid
First aid for burns

First aid quiz

Giving instructions about first aid
教学内容:first aid for burns
first aid
skin -- function
Reading --- Pre-reading
Ss are shown some pictures and tell what has happened to these people.
2. Teacher asks Ss the following questions.
Q1: Do all of people have to go to hospital at once?
Q2: Before the doctor comes, what should we do
with these people?
--- Give them first aid.
Reading --- Pre-reading
3. Ss tell their understanding of first aid.
4. Ss get to know the meaning of first aid by reading the definition of it and answering questions.
Q1: What kind of people is given first aid?
Q2: When do we give people first aid?
Q3: What kind of illness do the people get?
Reading --- While-reading
Title prediction:
What will the text talk about?
What happened to the little girl?
The girl was burnt by hot water.
Reading --- While-reading
Fast reading:
Ss skim for general information
by making the topics in the right order.
A. types of burns
B. first aid treatment
C. the function of the skin
D. characteristics of burns
E. causes of burns
Reading --- While-reading
Careful reading:
Part 1 -- the function of skin
1. Ss answer the questions.
Q1: What is the feature of skin?
Q2: How many layers of skin do people have?
Q3: What can skin do for our body?
Reading --- While-reading
Ss answers questions.
Q1: How can we get burnt?
(show the pictures and tell the cause)
--- We can get burnt by: hot liquids, steam, fire,
radiation, the sun, electricity and chemicals.
Q2: How many things cause burns?
--- A variety of things.
Careful reading:
Part 2 --- cause of burns
We can get burnt by: hot liquids, steam, fire,
radiation, the sun, electricity and chemicals.
Reading --- While-reading
1. General information.
Q1: How many types of burns, and what are they?
---Three. They are first degree burns, second degree burns and third degree burns.
2. Detailed information.
Ss label the pictures and tell the
characteristics of different types of burns.
Careful reading:
Part 3&4 --- types & characteristics of burns
Reading --- While-reading
Careful reading:
Part 5 --- first aid treatment
1. General information
Ss answer the following question.
Q1: How many suggestions?
--- Seven.
2. Detailed information
Ss find the Dos and Don’ts for burns of different degree.
Reading --- Post-reading
Task 1: Ex. 4 on Page 35.
1. Read the first aid treatments for burns.
2. Analyze the characteristics and name the type.
3. Judge if the treatments are right or wrong. If wrong,
give the correct treatments.
Task 2: Ss are given a situation and tell the right first aid.
One day, your little sister knocked over a kettle full of boiling
water onto her left arm. And her arm became red, rough and
swollen. It was covered with blisters. Your little sister felt
extremely painful. Unfortunately your parents were not at home.
So you, who learnt some knowledge about first aid, must take
some measures to help your sister, and what should you do?
Word study
get done,cause,treat,place/put,

理解目标词汇的用法及意义。学生 能够正确使用这些词汇描述一次 实施急救的经历。
Word study
语言接触 --- 体验理解 --- 总结归纳 --- 灵活运用
1. 所选词汇来自主课文,且与本单元话题相关。
2. 所选词汇意义和相关例句遵循常用和典型两
3. 在把词汇进行分类时,对学生进行逻辑训练。
3. 练习的设置联系以前所学课文内容。
Task presentation:Learn to use the target verbs
to describe an experience of giving first aid.
Collect words and expressions
about giving first aid
from the text.
Word study
Divide them into different groups
Go over the phrases & expressions
and focus on the key verbs
Read, observe,
Make sentences
Use the words
to introduce an
experience of giving first aid
First aid
Word study
Word study
Teaching procedures of each word
1. Read the sample sentences.
2. Observe the sample sentences.
3. Summarize the structure and meaning.
4. Make up sentences according to the
given pictures.
Step 1: read sample sentences and learn usages.
It was hard to treat patients because of a shortage of medicine. (a)
The school are treating this matter very seriously. (b)
Try to treat all your students the same. (e)
Debbie was always treated as one of the boys. (d)
The best treatment for a cold is to rest and drink lots of water. ( c )
a. to try to cure by medical means
b. to deal with or handle
c. something done to cure someone who is injured or ill
d. regard or consider…as
e. act or behave towards in the stated way
Word study
Word study
Word study
Practice 1: make sentences with “treat”.
Reporter: What do you think of Beijing?
Iraq athlete: __________________________
____. (treat)
Staff: What happened?
Liu Xiang: _____________________________________________. (get injured, treat)
Word study
Practice 2: How to treat sprains?
Activity 1: use treat, treatment to fill in the blanks
Activity 2: circle the words of describing the process of the treatment.
RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation)
Minor injuries like sprains may be treated at home if broken bones are not suspected. The acronym RICE is helpful for remembering how to treat minor injuries. It stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation -- the four basic elements of immediate treatment for an injured foot. "R" stands for rest, "I" is for ice, "C" is for compression, and "E" is for elevation.

Rest. Patients should get off injured foot as soon as possible to prevent it from getting worse.
Word study
Step 2. Students practise using the specific words about treatment
treat (place, stop, cover, prevent, keep)
Activity 1. observe the sentences with the target words from the text and understand the meaning of them.
1. It is best to place burns under gently running water.
2. Use the cool water to stop the burning process, prevents the pain becoming unbearable.
3. For second degree burns, keep cloths cool by putting them back in a basin of cold water, squeezing them out and placing them on the burned area over and over again for about an hour
4. Cover the burned area with a dry, clean bandage. Hold the bandage in place with tape.
Word study
Activity 2. summarize the usage of the target words
Activity 3. practice
1. use prevent/stop/keep…(from doing) to complete the sentences with the help of the key words.
quiz about first aid knowledge:
Never leave a small child alone with a dog or cat to prevent the child from being bitten. (child, bite)
Don’t feed wild animals with your hands to prevent the animals biting you. (bite)
If someone’s clothes are on fire, stop him from running around, as that makes clothes burn faster. (run around)
If someone badly sprains his ankle playing football, get him to sit down and put some ice on his ankle to keep it from swelling. (swell)
Word study
Practice 2:
situation: you have been attending an optional course about giving first aid. Now at the end of the course, you are taking an oral test about how to give first aid to get your credit of this course.
Teacher: What if Ben gets bitten by a snake? (bite, snake)
Students: Lay him down and keep him still.
Put pressure to the bitten area with hands
and then place a bandage firmly
over the bite. Then call medical help.
(keep, place, put)
Word study
Word study
Step 3. Students finish the following diary.
September 20, 2008 Sunny
Since I have learnt some knowledge about first aid in the school optional course, I applied for a job with a First-Aid Post at our school sports day and luckily I was accepted. And then the sport day was coming. I got a chance to put my knowledge into practice. And I felt excited and happy about the job and I want to put it down in my diary. The following is what I did today………
you can choose from the five accidents mentioned above
you should write at least two accidents


教学思路:引出问题 --- 观察发现--- 分类分析---
归纳总结 --- 进行练习
Getting to know the definition, character and
function of ellipses.
Step 1. T asks Ss some questions with ellipses:
1. What did you do at Christmas?
2. (It) Sounds great to me.
3. (Did you) Have a good time?
Step 2. T helps Ss find out the character of ellipses:
Having some words omitted.
Step 3. T shows Ss the definition of ellipses
Step 4. T helps Ss understand why we use ellipses
Observation & Discovery
3.回答问题 (简略回答)
(I) Haven’t seen you for ages. (简单句)
a. We haven’t seen for many years.
b. I haven’t seen you for a long time.
c. I haven’t seen you for many ages.
Conclusion: 在陈述自己的意见或提出要求时,常常会省略句子的主语等成分,其中祈使句尤为典型。
Observation & Discovery
1.作指导 (Giving instructions)
1.作指导 (Giving instructions)
① (You) Cool burns immediately with cool but not icy water. (L41, P34)
② (You) Cover the
