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    冀教版小学英语四年级上册 - Unit 4 Again,Please!

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  • 时间:  2017-10

Unit 4 Again,Please! 教学设计2

Unit 4 Again,please全课时教案

冀教版小学英语4A  Unit 4 Again,please

1. 知识与技能:本课要求学生能正确听、说、读、写单词shop, shopping, buy, toy shop,clothes shop,fruit shop, cinema park supermarket film会口头运用句子Let's go shopping. I want to buy.May I help you?How much is it?会用句子表达自己的想法。
2. 情感态度价值观:运用多种教学手段激发学生学习英语的积极性,并力争能够让学生人人参与,通过鼓励、表扬来让学生有成就感,对自己充满信心。



Part 1: Review
Sing: The wheels on the bus.

Part 2: What does she want?
1. 讨论书上照片并提问学生回答
What is the girl doing?
What is she?
What does she want?
2. 展示下列物品并领读读单词:
Close bicycle tire
3. 依次出示Silk shop close shop bicycle shop
Tea shop 和学生读词组
4. Point to each shop in the picture and say their names a few minutes
5. Play the audio tape as the student follow in their book
6. Drill
T: point to a ___.S:____
T: Show me ____. S:___
T: Let's go to the _____.

Part3: Do you like toys?
1. Introduction
T: Look,there’re many toys.Do you like toys?(出示幻灯片-玩具店)
学生看屏幕,拼读单词toy, toys。
2. 单词教学(四会)
T: What’s this?(师拿出实物)
S: Ping-pang, badminton.
师出示幻灯片,呈现单词,doll,kite,soccer ball。(拼写练习)渗透句型I want to buy (a doll\kite….)
kite,soccer ball,可分行或分组拼读。
3. 单词教学(非四会)
出示实物skipping rope,cards(拼读练习)

Part4: Shopping online
1. Show “shopping online” for the students.
T: Last class you have make a shopping list, if you want to buy those things now. What can you do?
S: The shop is so far, we don’t have enough time.
T: No, we can shopping online.
Have you bought things online?
S: No, I haven’t.
T: It doesn’t matter. Show my your finger, use your mouse. Say together:”Buy it now!”
S: I like the teddy.
T: Ok, click the thing. Click buy it now! Now we got it.
Read the dialogue and answer the question.
Does Jenny want to buy a math book?
Does Jenny go to the book shop?
Does Jenny’s mother help shop online?
Does Danny and Jenny like shopping online?
Does Danny want to buy ice cream online?
Make a dialogue with your partner.
Read those word and notice the pronunciation.
The teacher read the words: donuts/cats, kids/ beds, what/where, write/wrong.
The students try to read the words: hats, cards, wheel, writer.
The teacher help the students correct the pronunciation.