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    人教版小学英语六年级下册 - Unit 2 Last weekend

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PEP六下英语《Unit2 Last weekend》教案教学设计下载18

新版PEP六年级英语下Unit 2 Last weekend
A Let’s talk.教学设计
本课时的教学对象是小学六年级的学生,他们通过前面几册的学习,已经接触并掌握了一般现在时、现在进行时和一般将来时等时态的用法。对于时态与时间的紧密 关系,他们有了初步的理解,因此本课时过去时态的含义对于他们来说不难理解,关键是他们应如何运用与表达,如何使这一时态在实际生活中得到广泛运用。因六 年级学生在生理和心理上都有了进一步的发展,在心理上存在一定的荣辱与害羞感,所以课堂上应多以激励评价为主。
二、Teaching aims:
1. Ss can listen, say, read and write the following sentences: How was your weekend? It was … What did you do? I …, and can use them in real life.
2. Ss can ask and answer the following sentences: Did you do anything else? Yes, I cleaned my room and washed my clothes.
3. Ss can listen, say, read and write the following phrases:
watched TV, washed my clothes, cleaned my room, stayed at home, drank tea in the afternoon, watched some children’s shows 
4.Ss can listen and understand “Let’s try” and do the exercises.
5.Ss can listen and understand “Let’s talk” and try to act it out.
三、Important points:
1. Ss can listen, say, read and write the following phrases: watched TV, washed my clothes, cleaned my room, stayed at home, drank tea in the afternoon, watched some children’s shows 
2. Ss can listen, say and read the following sentences: How was your weekend? It was … What did you do? I …, and can use them in real life.
3. Ss can ask and answer the following sentences: Did you do anything else? Yes, I cleaned my room and washed my clothes.
四、Difficult points: Ss can talk about last weekend by using the simple past tense.
五、Teaching aids: PPT flowers flash动画
六、Teaching steps:
Step 1 Warm-up
1. Let’s chant“Every weekend”.
2.Let’s sing.“How are you?” 【设计意图:歌曲歌谣导入,活跃课堂气氛,并为接下来的教学作铺垫。】
3. Free talk
T: What day is it today? What’s the weather like today? How tall are you? How old are you? How heavy are you? What size are your shoes? How are you?
S1: ….
S2: ….
Step 2 Review
T shows PPT. Ss look at the pictures and answer the questions.
T: What do you usually do on the weekend?
S1: I usually …
T: What does he /she usually do on the weekend?
S1: He/She usually …
Step 3 Leading in.
T: Today is Wednesday, April 16th, this Saturday and Sunday, we call “this weekend”. Last Saturday and Sunday, we call “last weekend”. April 6th to 12th, we call “last week”. 【设计意图:用日历引出last weekend课题,一目了然。】
Step 4 Presentation
1.T: How was your weekend?
T teaches” It was good/fine/great/OK”, “It wasn't very good”.
A: How was your weekend? B: It was _____.
What did you do last weekend? What do you usually do on the weekend?
4.Learn the phrases
T: What did you do last weekend? First let’s see our friends, what did they do last weekend?
T shows some pictures. (PPT)
Ss: What did you do last weekend? T teaches “watched TV, washed my clothes, cleaned my room, stayed at home ”(在学习单词时用各种方式领读)
6.教学句子:We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV
(1)教学单词 drank ,通过课件展示学习drank tea提示drank是drink的过去式,这个动词的过去式是不规则变化。教师带读drank tea。 
(2)教学句子:通过课件展示学习We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV.并带读。 
7.教学句子:I watched some children’s shows on TV. 教师问:What did you do last weekend?学生答:I watched TV.引出Last night I watched some children’s shows on TV.师出示:I watched some children’s shows on TV,并带读句子
8.Let’s play a game: What’s missing?
9.教学句子:Did you do anything else?教师通过Pair-work练习,引出Did you do anything else? 及回答,让学生说说句子的意思并带读。然后两两练习,请学生表演对话,并给予评价奖励【设计意图:学生操练新句型及动词短语的过去式。】
10. Let’s try
Ss listen and do exercises.
11. Let’s talk
(1)Get the Ss to look at the pictures, look at their faces. Guess and answer the questions.
How was Mike’s weekend?
How was Mike’s grandpa’s weekend?
(2)Ss listen,read,find,draw and answer two questions.
What did Mike do last weekend?
What did Mike’s grandpa do last weekend?(对学生的回答给予鼓励表扬)
(3)Listen and read after the tape.
(4)Role reading.
(3)Listen and do.(听录音,当听到Mike和他爷爷的周末活动和他们感受的句子时,学生起立并重复这个句子)
(4)Practise the dialogue in pairs.
(5) Ask some Ss to act out the dialogue. (对学生的表演给予鼓励表扬)
(6)Grandma’s weekend
How was Grandma’s weekend?
What did she do?
Did she do anything else?
Now make a new dialogue.(现在编新的对话并且表演)
Step 4 Consolidation
1.T: I have a new friend, her name is Lily, Let’s see her last weekend.T shows the dialogue between T and Lily.
T: How was her last weekend? What did she do last weekend?
2.Say Lily’s weekend. 【设计意图:由T和Lily的对话来巩固新学的动词短语和句型。】
3.引出“What are you going to do next weekend?”请学生回答
Step 5 Moral education
T:Do you often visit or call your grandparents?
We should care more about the elders, respect the elders.(我们应该多多关心长辈、孝敬长辈。)
We should be reasonable arrangements for the weekend. (我们应该合理安排周末活动。)
Step 6 Summmary(小结)
Step 7 Homework.
1. Read P.14 for 6 times.(读14页课文6遍
2. Recite the four-skilled phrases and sentences .(背会四会短语和句子)
3. Ask your friends “What did you do last weekend?”(问问你的朋友上周末干了什么?)
Bb design
Unit 2 My weekend
A Let’s talk
How was your weekend?
It . .
What did you do?
I .