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    人教版小学英语四年级下册 - Unit 3 Weather

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  • 时间:  2016-04

免费下载四下pep英语《Unit3 Weather A let's talk》ppt课件

免费下载四下pep英语《Unit3 Weather A let免费下载四下pep英语《Unit3 Weather A let
Unit 3 Weather
A Let’s talk
breakfast lunch dinner drink some water eat some rice eat some bread eat some apples have some soup have some chicken read and write sing and dance jump and run play football go outside go home go to school get up read a book say hello
Let’s chant:
Brrr,it’s cold.
It’s coldoutside.
Put on a hat.
Cold, bye-bye!
Mmm! It’s warm.
It’s warm inside.
Take off your shoes.
It feels so nice.
Can I go outside now?
----Yes, you can.
It’s warm today.
Can I go outside?
----Yes, you can.
It’s cool today.
It’s time for breakfast.
8:30 a.m.
Can I drink some milk?
Yes, you can.
Can I go outside now?
----No, you can’t.
It’s very cold today.
Can I go outside now ?
----No, you can’t.
It’s very hot today.
Can I go home?
No,you can’t.
Game :
Be careful !
A Let’s talk
Listen, watch and answer:
1、 Where time is it?
2、What does Mike ask about?
3、What does Mike’s mother say?
Mum, what time is it?
It’s 11:00.
Can I go outside now?
No,you can’t. It’s cold outside.
Have some lunch, Mike.
OK! Can I have some soup?
Yes,you can.
Be careful! It’s very hot.
Mike: Dad,what time is it ?
Mike:Can I ____________?
Dad:It’s ___________?
Game 2:我会表演。
Dad:No, you can’t.It’s__________.
Mike: OK. Can I ___________?
Dad:Have some _____ ,Mike.
Dad:Be careful ! It’s very________.
Dad:Yes, you can.
Mike: Dad,what time is it ?
Mike:Can I go outside now?
Dad: It’s 11:00.
Dad:No, you can’t.It’s cold outside.
Mike: OK. Can I have some soup?
Dad:Have some lunch ,Mike.
Dad:Be careful ! It’s very hot.
Dad:Yes, you can.
John: Dad,what time is it ?
John: Can I ____________?
Dad:It’s ___________?
Game 2:我会编。
Dad:No, you can’t.It’s__________.
John: OK. Can I ___________?
Dad:Have some _____ ,Mike.
Dad:Be careful ! It’s very________.
Dad:Yes, you can.
A Let’s play
Can I go outside?
No, you can’t. It’s cold outside.
( ) 1. —Can I go outside? — I
A. Yes, you can’t. B. No, you can. C. No, you can’t. It’s cold outside.
( ) 2. I have some soup?
A. Am B. Can C. hot
( ) 3. — — It’s 11:00.
A. What time is it ? B. Can I go outside? C. Is it warm?
( ) 4、 你想说外面很冷,你可以这样表达:
A、You can’t go outside. B、It’s cold outside. C、It’s hot outside.
( ) 5、妈妈叫你小心,汤很热,她会说:
A、Would you like some soup? B、Have some soup.
C、Be careful. It’s very hot.

My summary(我的总结)

Can I …?句型是用来征求对方许可的。
如果对方同意就用Yes, you can.来回答,
如果对方不同意就用No, you can’t.作答。


Talk about the weather with your parents, classmates or friends like a weather reporter.
2. Choose three of your favorite sentences, read and write them down.
Good bye