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四上PEP英语Recycle 2第二课时ppt比赛获奖教学课件免费下载

四上PEP英语Recycle 2第二课时ppt比赛获奖教学课件免费下载
1.Spelling game
noodles, vegetables, rice, beef, bread, juice, turkey等等。
Go to the living room.
Go to the kitchen.
Go to the study.

Listen and number the rooms.
a. What can you see in the picture?
b. Where is the bedroom/…?
c. How many…can you see?
Look, listen and write.
Describe the picture
Look, ask and answer.
a. How many people are there in the family?
b. Where is John?
c. Is this John’s …?
d. What’s his/her job?
e. Where is John’s …?
f. Where is the…?
Sing the song
Play a game.
Let’s chant
Come and meet my family,
uncle, aunt, father, mother.
Come and meet my family,
grandpa, grandma, sister and brother.
My father is a doctor.
My mother is a singer.
My grandpa is a farmer.
My grandma is a teacher.
My aunt is a nurse.
My uncle is a driver.
My sister is a student.
My brother is a basketball player.
Let’s make
(1)Draw and cut.
(2)Make holes and put thread in.
(3)Decorate it and put a present in it.
(4)Give it to a friend.
Summing up
cousin, baby brother, grandma,
aunt, grandpa, uncle, merry, wish,
crayon, vegetables
How many people are there in the family?
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Where are your crayons?
What’s in your bedroom?
Where’s your pencil box?
Would you like some vegetables for dinner?
(1)Listen to the tapes of “Listen and
number the rooms.” and “Look, listen
and write.”
(2)Read the dialogue of “Look, listen
and write.” with your partner.
(3)Sing the song “A Merry Christmas” to
your parents.