Wildlife protection using language 原创ppt课件免费下载

Reading II
Dinosaur is an animal that we can not see on the earth now. What we see in the museum are the fossils of many kinds of dinosaurs. They were found by the people at home and abroad. Some dinosaurs have long necks and tails, while others look like birds.
Using language
1. When did dinosaurs live?
Tens of millions of years ago.
2. When did dinosaurs die out?
About 65 million years ago.
3. How did dinosaurs die out?
A large rock hit the earth and put too much dust into the air.
The earth got too hot to live on.
True or false
There are many different species of dinosaur and all of them have been found in China.
Not long ago, a rare new species of bird-like dinosaur was discovered in Henan Province.
3. Some scientists are sure
dinosaurs died out because the
earth got too hot for the
dinosaurs to live on any more.
4. Dinosaurs died out quickly about
65 million years ago and many
animals have died out in the
same way.
Ex 3 Choose the sentence which gives
the main idea of the story. Say what is
wrong with the other three.
Number 2 is correct.
Number 1 is wrong. It is not fair to blame the dodo for his disappearance.
Number 3 only explain half the story. The dodo and man did become friends but only because man wanted to kill all the dodos as easily as possible.
Number 4 is wrong because the other animals and birds did not do much to save the dodo. They warned him but did not help him.
Listen to the tape and choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.
1. The dodo is_____.
A. fierce B. unkind
C. friendly D. foolish
2. He wants to believe that Man is telling the truth because _____.
A. Man is friendly
B. he think Man is friendly
C. he thinks the bears and monkeys lie
D. Man is his best friend
3. He didn’t realize who had killed many of his friends until _____.
A. Man told him the truth
B. the other birds told him
C. he saw how his friend was being killed by Man
D. the monkeys told him
In pairs choose another endangered animal which you know about. Analyse why this animal is endangered.
I’m going to
to help/save
I intend/ mean/ plan to
to protect…from…
I will
so that…
I’d rather not…
I’d like to
I’m ready to
I feel like…
in order to…
but do…
to teacher them a lesson.
to punish those who do harm to wildlife.
Write a letter to WWF based on what you have discussed, asking them to help you save your endangered animal.
Dear WWF,
My friend, Chen Ting, and I have been doing some research on endangered animals. We found that the habitat of polar bears is disappearing because the ice at the North Pole is getting warmer. I worry that when is disappears altogether, there will be nowhere for the polar bears to live.
Sample letter
First, I suggest we are very careful with the energy we use. Global warming happens because we are putting too much carbon dioxide into the air. One of the ways we do this is by driving everywhere by car. So I suggest we think carefully before using our cars unnecessarily.
Second, instead of using our cars we should think about traveling by bus or by train. These forms of transport are more environmentally friendly and do not put so much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Third, we can join WWF which is fighting to save the habitat of the polar bear. We can raise money to help them by making and selling cakes, selling crafts or giving talent shows and charging money for our parents to watch.
I hope you will support us in our fight to save the home of the Polar Bears.
Yours sincerely,
Wu Xiaoxin