免费下载高中英语必修2《Unit3 Computers listening》ppt课件

Listening and writing on P21
Listen to a conversation about different kinds of information technology or IT. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each one? In small groups discuss IT and add your own advantages and disadvantages. Then decide which type of IT is best for you to use right now.
I think that...
In my opinion...
I believe that...
I agree because...
I disagree because...
I’ve decided that...
Suggested answers:
You can both listen and watch.
You cannot write to friends.
You can find
It is very expensive.
You can listen to English.
You cannot
watch a film.
You can get
Sometimes it is out of date.
LI MING: What are you doing Dave?
DAVE: I'm reading about _____________________.
LM: You mean things like computers? _____________ they’re so boring to read about. They're only good to use.
information technology
In my opinion
D: But they're just one kind of IT.
LM: Really? So what else is part of IT?
D: We've had IT for a long time. Books, radios and TVs are also kinds of IT.
LM: Oh. I never thought of that before. ______________________________ ________________.
Books are a wonderful way for us
to get information
D: Yeah, I believe that too. They are cheap and easy to take with you but sometimes the _________________ ____.
LM: I agree. The world is changing so fast. But in my opinion __________ ________________ is better than anything else. Sometimes I also
information is out of
listening to
sports on the radio
listen to English programmes on the radio. But they speak so fast and sometimes it’s difficult to understand everything.
D: Yes. I also listen to English on the radio but it’s easier to follow on TV because you can also see what is going on. Sometimes it is more interesting to
watch sports on TV than just listen to them on the radio.
LM: I ________ because you get such a lot of information on the technical aspects of a game on the radio.You don't get that on TV. But I still think that the computer is the best kind of IT.
You can watch a film on it, write to friends, get information, and find out what is going on in the world.
D: I know, but it is also the most expensive and it is too big to carry with you everywhere. Also the Internet has nobody to check whether that information you find there is correct. So you have to be careful.
LM: Well, I suppose all kinds of IT have both __________________________.
disadvantages and advantages
Listen to the tape. Can you find the three robots from the following pictures and number them.
Listening on Page 55
Look at these boxes before you listen to the tape again. Then after listening to each part of the passage you can fill in the boxes.
35 cm
Robot with five arms
All housework
50 yuan a day
10 cm
Bird-like android
Sings beautifully
600 yuan
Large, energetic robot
Climbs mountains, plays guitar, sings karaoke
1. This is a personal robot which can do all the work around the house. It is only __________ so it is easy to store. It has ________ to hold all the tools and is very easy to use. It will start work on its own at 5 am and finish when all its jobs are done.
35 cm high
five arms
You only need to enter them into a keyboard and the robot will do the rest. Only _______ for a day’s use.
50 yuan
2. Why not buy a ___________ which does not make a mess or need feeding? This beautiful ________ android sings as beautifully as a real bird and is only ___________. It jumps around its cage just like a real bird.
personal pet
10 cms high
You can have any colour you like and any repair you need in the first year will be paid by the robot company. It should last for at least ________ and after that you can have a new computer chip fitted to give it a longer life. So why not choose one today? Only ________.
six years
600 yuan
3. I am a large, hard-working android. I feel lonely. I would like to meet another android for friendship after work. I am ______. I like climbing mountains and singing. But my family say I am too noisy when I play my guitar and sing. They are not friendly towards me. So if you would like to meet a ___________
2m tall
android to sing karaoke with, I am your mate! Please call me on my program at ROB-1234.
Listening task on P58
1. Listen to their problems and fill in the form.
Their programmer decided them.
They are not able to change jobs.
They enjoy football.
They cannot smell, laugh, taste or eat food.
Their programmer does.
2. Now you are going to make a list of the rights that androids should have so that they will be treated better.
1) They should be able to choose the work they do.
2) ______________________________
3) __________________________________
They should have their own time.
They should be able to change their jobs.
4) ______________________________ __________
5) ______________________________ ________
They should be able to decide their
They should be able to taste, smell,
own future.
feel, etc.
B: Hey, Sally, how are you today?
S: Oh, Brenda, I'm so tired of being a maid. I wish my programmer would make me something else, like you. I'd like to work in the factory with you.
B: No, you wouldn't. It is so boring! We aren't allowed to talk while we work.
B: But at least you don’t have five children to run after every day. And the middle child is so lazy! He always gets me into trouble.
A: But at least in your job, every day is different. I do the same thing for eight hours every day. I feel like my arm is going to break off.
S: I would love to change jobs with you but I know I can't.
B: Why not? What difference would it make to my family if it was you or me?
S: No, our programmer decided our jobs and will not change us now.
B: People are lucky being able to change jobs they hate!
S: Look at those flowers. I've seen people pick them up and put them to their noses. Why is that?
B: They say it “smells” nice but I do not know what that means. I wish I did.
S: Don't try to cry again. It made your chips go funny last time. Just understand we will never laugh, taste, smell or eat food. Well, let’s enjoy the day today. Finally we both have a day off.
B: Yes, the weather is nice, and I would like to join the other androids for a game of football. Would you like to come?
S: Sure, running around a soccer field is better than running after 5 children! And at least I have had some practice this week!