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  • 时间:  2020-12

梦想英语手抄报:Insptre you Dream


梦想英语手抄报:Insptre you Dream

梦想英语手抄报:Insptre you Dream

Funny but very true story. I was enjoying some fabulous sleep this morning I was tuckered>I had the very best dream ever. It was some GOOD sleep, you know the kind where you are snoring and drooling at the same time? Well I was blowing up the covers dreaming about what appeared to be my future husband. Yee haw, he was very handsome and very tall. He was making me laugh, we had horses and land>Then the doorbell rang.

I kid you>I stumbled to the front door and sure enough it was Jehovah Witnesses bringing me “the good>In that moment I heard Creator say to me “Beloved--trust in me and continue to do good; Dwell in the land I have sent you to cultivate hope and faithfulness. Delight yourself in all>I wept with such joy.

What was I dreaming about? Was Creator the handsome young gentleman in the flesh>I am grateful for the dreams God gives me. It is important to dream. Dreams are a gift from God. I have always been a vivid dreamer. Dreams are an important mechanism for me to hope, Dreams guide me and>Dreams and beliefs about dreams differ significantly across cultures. In certain societies, dreams are generally dismissed as unreal figments>Last year a very dear friend>The truth is--my dreams remind me that I have lived a remarkable life, met amazing beings that most people>I do not know if I will ever experience the kind of genuine love and joy I felt early this morning in a dream but this I know for certain—I am grateful for the life I have been given, I am humbled by the challenges I have overcome and I look forward to doing all can with what little time I have left to do all I can to make this a better world,. I also look forward to dreaming. Yes indeed--it keeps me hopeful. Can’t wait to get some shut eye tonight. Sleep and dream well my friends. Love to all.