Lesson 18 The Sonwman 习题1
Unit 3 18 The Snowman
1.Listen and number.听音,根据听到的内容给图片标号。
① ( ) ② ( )
③( ) ④ ( )
2.Listen.Draw “√” or “×”. 听音,判断正误。
( ) a. What a hot, sunny day!
( ) b. My mother is wearing a sweater.
( ) c. I put on my hat, scarf and coat.
( ) d. It’s spring now. I take off my winter clothes.
( ) e. In autumn, I put on my T-shirt.
3.Read the story. Choose the correct answers. 读故事,选择正确的答案。
( ) a. The snowman can speak when he John’s hat.
A. puts onB. takes off
( ) b. Does the snowman has a name?
A. No, he doesn’t.B. Yes, he does.
( ) c. Is it easy for the snowman to skate?
A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isn’t.
( ) d. The snowman can skate in.
A. summerB. winter
( ) e. Can John skate?
A. Yes, he can .B. No, he can’t.
4.Read and write.读一读,写一写。
a. tall ball small f
b. bus cup umbrella smmer
c. window fine friend witer
d. eat tea clean sson
e. man hand and fn
f. weather head breakfast swter
g. get bed wet pt
5.Draw and talk about your winter fun with your friend.画一画并和朋友谈一谈冬天趣事。
1.Listen and number.
a. One day,John was making a snowman.(图 ②)
b. John took off his hat and put it on the snowman.(图③)
c. The snowman could skate very fast.(图①)
d. The snowman was in the fridge.(图 ④)
2.Listen.Draw “√” or “×”.
a. What a hot,sunny day!
b. My mother is wearing a Tshirt.
c. I put on my hat,scarf and sweater.
d. It’s spring now. I take off my winter clothes.
e. In autumn,I put on my shirt.
√ × × √ √
3.A A A B B
4.a.fall b.summer c.winter d.season e.fan f.sweater g.pet
5.I like to ski and make a snowman.