Lesson 12 Maddy’s Family Photos 课件1

Lesson 12 Maddy’s Family Photos
take a photo
Lesson 12 Maddy’s Family Photos
What's a photo?
Lesson 12 Maddy’s Family Photos
Lesson 12 Maddy’s Family Photos
Lesson 12 Maddy’s Family Photos
How many photos in Maddy's family?
Who are they?
Lesson 12 Maddy’s Family Photos
Maddy’s cousin
Maddy’s grandfather
Maddy’s aunt
Maddy’s uncle
Where does Maddy live?
Lesson 12 Maddy’s Family Photos
What does Maddy speak?
Lesson 12 Maddy’s Family Photos
Maddy’s cousin
Maddy’s grandfather
Maddy’s aunt
Maddy’s uncle
Where do they live?
Lesson 12 Maddy’s Family Photos
Read and match.
Maddy’s aunt
Maddy’s cousin
Maddy’s uncle
Maddy’s grandfather
the Great Wall
Statue of Liberty
Backingham Palace
beautiful beaches
Niagara Falls
Lesson 12 Maddy’s Family Photos
the U.K.
the U.S.
Lesson 12 Maddy’s Family Photos
Lesson 12 Maddy’s Family Photos
What’s famous in their counties?
Let's talk.
Lesson 12 Maddy’s Family Photos
Listen and read.
Retell the story.
Lesson 12 Maddy’s Family Photos
This is Maddy.
She lives in ____.
She speaks ____.
She likes to go to ____. It’s great!
Retell the story.
Lesson 12 Maddy’s Family Photos
This is Maddy’s ____.
She lives in ____.
She speaks ____.
She likes to go to ____. It’s great!
Retell the story.
Lesson 12 Maddy’s Family Photos
Maddy’s grandfather
the U.S.
Statue of liberty
Retell the story.
Lesson 12 Maddy’s Family Photos
Maddy’s aunt
the U.K.
Backingham Palace
Retell the story.
Lesson 12 Maddy’s Family Photos
Maddy’s uncle
Australia, beach
Kangraoo, English
1.Read the story.
2.Choose one picture to retell.
Lesson 12 Maddy’s Family Photos