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    冀教版小学英语四年级上册 - Lesson 2 New and Old

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  • 时间:  2017-10

Lesson 2 New and Old 教学设计2

Unit1 Lessen 2全课时教案

冀教版小学英语4A Lesson 2

本单元的核心内容是教授衣服的名称。本课在这些名称中又加入了一些新的描述性的概念: new, old教学中要使学生在掌握单词的基础上能够举一反三说出更多关于新、旧的词组。本课还有一个表达对他人赞美的句子: I like your ____. It’s nice! 我设计让学生用自己已有的语言知识组编简短英语对话。组编对话是一个难点,教师要适当指导。

1. 利用孩子们喜爱的方式进行教学:如童谣、歌曲、游戏等来激发学习热情。
2. 利用实物教学、自制教具、多媒体等手段来创设学习情境,逐步深入的呈现教学内容。
3. 肯定学生的成功之处,及时给与鼓励和赞许。让他们体会成功的乐趣。

1. 知识目标:1)掌握并能运用单词new, old.
2)掌握句型: I like your ____. It’s nice.
2. 能力目标:能运用所学的单词、语言知识在创设的情境下进行熟练的语言交际,培养学习运用语言的综合能力。
3. 情感目标:通过愉悦式教学法鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动,与他人合作共同完成学习任务。鼓励学生创作对话及角色,利用形体语言和面部表情表达意思,并从中获得成功的乐趣。
4. 德育目标:通过本课的学习,培养学生要注重勤俭节约,热爱生活,团结友爱的良好品质。



Step1: Warming-up and Review
1. Greeting.
2. Warming-up: Sing the song “She is wearing.”
3. Color Point.
4. What’s she\he wearing?

Step2: Presentation one
1. Demonstrate old and new with real subject.
T: What are they? (Hold up a pair of new pants)
Ss: They are pants.
T: Yes! They are new pants! New! Say it, please!
T: Are they new? ( Hold up a pair of old pants)
Ss: No!
T: Yes! They are old, old, old pants!
Practice new and old with other clothes.

Step3: Drill
Use new and old say something they have. Such as: new pencil…

Step4: Presentation two
1. New sentence pattern: I like your ____. It’ nice.
T: Do you like this _____?
Ss: Yes!
T: Yes! It’s nice!
T: Thanks! I like your _____. It’s nice! Say it, please!
T: Thanks!
Listen and follow the tape.

Step5: Practice
Make new dialogues in pairs with new sentence pattern. Teacher gives individual help.

Step6: Production
Ask individual students to present their dialogues in front of the classroom. Teacher and other students give them some praise.

Step7: Class closing
Sing a song.
Find something new or old in their real life and try to express in English.
Use new sentence pattern to make up dialogues.