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    冀教版小学英语四年级上册 - Lesson 20 At the Shop

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  • 时间:  2017-10

Lesson 20 At the Shop 教学设计3

Unit 4 Lesson 20 全课时教案

冀教版小学英语4A Lesson 20

知识与技能:本课要求学生掌握单词toy shop/clothes shop/fruit shop;句子:May I help you 会用课文中句子对话。



Step 1: Greeting and review
Review: let’s go shopping. 这里的let’s = let us
比较 let us 与 let’s: let us 的us既可指说话者一方(此时表示请求或命令),也可以指说话者和听话者双方(此时表示建议或劝诱,此用法在语体上较正式);而 let’s 中的’s(=us) 则只能指说话者和听话者双方(表示建议或劝诱),不能指说话者一方(即不能用来表示命令或请求)。
误: Let’s tell you what we saw in the museum.
正: Let us tell you what we saw in the museum. 我们做朋友吧。
正: Let’s be friends.(较口语化)
正: Let us be friends.(较正式)
在反意问句中,表示请求或命令时,用 will you;表示建议或劝诱时,用 shall we。如:我们一起去游泳好吗?
正: Let’s go swimming together, shall we?(较口语化)
正: Let us go swimming together, shall we?(较正式) 让我们跟你一起去好吗?

Step 2: New concepts
Read the activity “May I help you?”
T: May I help you?
S: Yes, please. I want to buy a dress. Where are the dresses?
T: I’ll show you. This way, please.
Here they are.
S: Excuse me.
T: Yes? May I help you?
S: where is the ice cream?
T: Ice cream? I’m sorry. This shop has shoes, toys, books, and bikes, but no ice cream.
2. May I help you?的用法
同意句:Can I help you?/ What can I do for you?
This shop has shoes, toys, books, and bikes, but no ice cream.
e.g. The girl is not beautiful, but she is very good.

Step 3: Make up a dialogue
.学生将自己的书和文具摆在桌上,扮成一个book shop,然后分角色扮演买卖双方。
S1: Let’s go shopping.
S2: Okay.
S3: May I help you?
S1: Yes, I want to buy an English book.
S3: Here it is. How about you?
S2: I don’t want to buy a book, I want buy a pencil. Where are the pencils?
S3: Ok, wait a minute, I’ll find for you.

Step 4: Class closing
___ I help you?
___ can I do for you?
I want to ___ a teddy bear.
I’ll ___ you.