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首页>冀教版小学英语四年级上册>Lesson 10 Brush and Wash
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    冀教版小学英语四年级上册 - Lesson 10 Brush and Wash

  • 格式:  PPT
  • 大小:  1.8M    21张
  • 时间:  2017-10

Lesson 10 Brush and Wash 课件5

Lesson 10 Brush and Wash 课件5Lesson 10 Brush and Wash 课件5
Lesson 10 Brush and Wash
What's missing?
teddy bear
listen to music
What do you do in your bedroom?
I make my bed.
I clean my bedroom.
What do you do in your bedroom?
I play with my teddy bear.
I listen to music.

Brush and Wash
Lesson 10
brush my teeth
wash my face
brush my hair
put on my clothes
Listen and read.
I brush my teeth.
I wash my face.
Listen and read.
I brush my hair.
I put on my clothes.
2. Let’s do it!
Stop! Go!

—What do you do in the morning?

—I ________ in the morning.
What do you do in the morning?
I …
Make a dialogue.
What do you do in the morning?
I …
Make a dialogue.
What do you do in the morning?
I …
Make a dialogue.
1. I ( ) my teeth.
2. I ( ) my face.
3. I ( ) my hair.
4. I ( ) my clothes.
make brush wash put on
Fill in the blanks.
5. I ( ) my bed.
Read and match.

1. I face wash my

2. clothes on my put I

3. my I brush hair

4. teeth I my brush
Write the sentences.

1. Practise the dialogue with your partner.

2. Read the text.