Lesson 9 Open and Close 习题5
Unit2 9 Open and Close
1.Listen and follow the directions. Then write the missing letters. 听音,按要求做,并将单词补充完整。
2.Follow the directions and write. 根据指令找出字母,并写一写。
3.Look, circle the correct words and match. 看图,圈出正确的单词,并连线。
4.Look, choose and act in pairs. 看图,根据所给情景补全对话并和你的同伴一起表演。
A. Good-bye. B. Nice to meet you. C. How are you? D. It's a school.
1.Circle the kite. Circle the nose. Point to the juice. Point to the mouth. Underline the lake. Point to the egg. Underline the ice cream. Circle the hand.
2.Kk Ll Mm Nn
3.Open the window-1; close the door-3; open your mouth-2
4.C D A B