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    人教版小学英语五年级上册 - Recycle 2

  • 格式:  DOC
  • 大小:  1.07M    3张
  • 时间:  2015-03



五年级英语上册Recycle 2 B

姓名 班级

一、Find and circle


二、Read, find and write

别看卡通人Funny平时爱出洋相,他的本事可不小哦!小朋友,你知道他会什么,不会做什么吗?run jump swim dive fly sing draw read write


I have a small room. It’s clean and bright(明亮). There is a desk, two chairs and a bed in the room. I have a computer on the desk. There are some books and a bag on the desk, too. The chairs are near the desk. The bed is near the window. Under the bed, there are some shoes and a ball. The picture is over the bed. There are some big trees and red flowers in the picture.  
(      ) 1.I have a big room.
(      ) 2.There are two desks, one chair and a bed in the room.
(      ) 3.The bed is near the window.
(      ) 4.There are no shoes and balls under the bed.
(      ) 5. There is a picture on the bed.

一、swim read write sing


三、1. √2. X 3. √ 4. X 5. X