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    人教版高中英语必修4 - 3.A taste of English humour

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Unit3.A taste of English humour 教研课ppt课件免费下载

Unit3.A taste of English humour 教研课ppt课件免费下载Unit3.A taste of English humour 教研课ppt课件免费下载
A taste of English humour
Let’s enjoy a video
Mr. Bean
Nonverbal mime and farce
How many kinds of humor do you know about?
Warming up I – brainstorming
nonverbal mime and farce
Verbal jokes
I think that I'm a chicken
Psychiatrist: What's your problem? Patient: I think I'm a chicken. Psychiatrist: How long has this been going on? Patient: Ever since I was an egg!
Mark Twain
(funny stories)
Mark Twain was the popular and humorous American author, He was the most famous humorous novelist in America.
Edward Lear (1812-1888)
(funny poems)
There Was an Old Man with a Beard
  There was an Old Man with a beard, Who said, “It is just as I feared! -- Two Owls(猫头鹰) and a Hen, four Larks(云雀) and a Wren(鹪鹩), Have all built their nests in my beard.
First appearance on the stage:_____________
First film part in the USA: _______________
Acted in:_________ films
Wrote & directed: __________ films
Most famous films:_________________________
at the age of 5
City Lights and Modern Times
Can you say something about Charlie Chaplin?
Show time!
Write notes about Charlie Chaplin’s career.
Task1: Read para1 and answer the question:

Why do some people seem to enjoy seeing other people’s bad luck at times?
Task2: Read para2 and fill in the chart.
the tramp, a poor and homeless person
large trousers,
worn-out shoes
small round black hat
and a walking stick
Picture of charlie

a small black hat
a moustache
a stick
very wide trousers
He wore a small black hat, very wide trousers, a moustache and carried a stick that he swung in the air as he walked.
The Gold Rush
Task3: Read para 4 and fill in the blanks.
How does Charlie Chaplin make eating a boiled shoe funny?
First he ______ the laces and eats them ___ they were spaghetti. Then he ______ the ________of the shoe, treating it as if it were the finest ____. Finally he tries cutting and eating the _____ of the shoe. You can imagine how difficult it is to ____, but he seems to eat every _______ with great enjoyment.
picks out
cuts off
as if
leather top
Task4:Guess the meaning according to the text.
This character was a social failure but he was loved by all who watched the film for his determination in overcoming difficulties…
Find the words or expressions that mean almost the same as these in italics.
1.I know there are many people worse off than me.
A. richer B. earlier C. poorer D. later
2. She has the determination to be successful.
A. skill B. communication
C. will D. confidence
3.He was in such a hurry that he bumped into an old lady.
A. knocked into B. came across
C. waved goodbye to D. looked up at
4. The problem Charlie Chaplin was having to deal with would not go away.
A. practising B. preferring to talk to
C. trying to talk to D. facing
1.Chaplin became famous for using a particular form of acting including playing on words.( )
2.In The Little Tramp Chaplin always wore large trousers worn-out shoes and carried a walking stick.( )
3.The Gold Rush is set in California in the middle of the nineteenth century.( )
4Chaplin’s movies were produced, directed and wrote by other people.( )
Task1: True or false.
5. If you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin, you are not alone.
6.People love the character “the little champ” ,mainly for he was poor and homeless.
7.Chaplin performed how to eat a boiled shoe by vividly action and explaining.
8.In the middle of 19th century people went to California to look for gold.
1.What’s the passage mainly about?
A. The history of English humour?
B. The films Chaplin made.
C. The humour Chaplin made in his films.
D. The Gold Rush in California.
Task2: Choose the right answer.
2. People enjoy seeing other people’s bad luck because __.
A. they enjoy doing so
B. it makes people more worried about their life.
C. it makes people more content with their life.
D. there’s much fun is doing so.
3.In the middle of 19th century people went to California to look for __.
A. films B. gold
C. entertainment D. water
4.Chaplin was given a special Oscar for __.
A. they enjoy doing so.
B. the films he directed.
C. the joy he gave us in his films.
D. the contributions he made in films.
Not all the _______ is kind. Some
are bad, others can inspire people. Some
actors can________ us with the character they
are playing. Chaplin was such an actor. He
became famous for using a ________
form of acting in silent films. The little tramp
gives people courage to overcome_________
with his firm ____________and he is always
kind even when people are________ to him.
What should we learn from Charlie Chaplin?
Optimistic attitude towards life.
His determination in overcoming difficulties.
Being kind even when people were unkind to him.
Summary & Homework
1. Some kinds of humour.
2. Read a passage about Charlie Chaplin.
1.Search the internet for some more funny stories or funny poems.
2.Read the text again.
Thanks for your coming!